R.L. Prendergast
The Impact of a Single Event
“The Impact of a Single Event had me pulled in right from the beginning and held my attention non-stop until the end.”
— Click here to read the rest of the review.
“(This novel) has the flavour of a yarn told from a different age, and it is mysterious and compelling.”
— The Red Deer Advocate
“What a fascinating book! I was caught as to whether to stop and reflect on the underlying philosophic message or to read on to satisfy my curiosity on how the story was going to unfold. So I read it twice all in one sitting!”
— Dr. Marion Allen, Professor, University of Alberta
“In these deftly imagined stories, R.L. Prendergast celebrates a love of reading and the idiosyncratic ways that storytelling knits people together across generations. A chain of linked voices, each smartly and vividly evoked, reminds us how worlds created on the page can simultaneously transform us and allow us to find ways to be most true to ourselves.”
— Catherine Bush, author of Claire’s Head, a Globe and Mail Best Book of the Year, and The Rules of Engagement
“This book had me completely captivated…this just might be one of those books that can change your life.”
— Charity Baker, Manager, Chapters, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
“The story is beautifully written. This gem of a book will make you think.”
— Mary Ellen Anaka – Bookseller, Chapters, Brampton, Ontario.
“R. L. Prendergast may have tapped into something here – great characters, a strong message, and of course, those journal entries snaking into the past, so that you have to read the next one… and the next one… and the next one…”
— Diego Ibarra, Manager, Chapters, St. Albert, Alberta
“We (the management team) LOVED the book – to the point where we were in tears discussing it. I have taken a quote from the book and posted it on my fridge so I’m reminded every morning that NOW is the most important time.”
— Andrea Rodda, Manager, Chapters, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
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